Tourist Information in English

Dear Visitors, here You can find more information on our churches, opening hours and more.

Thank you for visiting us!

Marienkirche / St. Mary’s Church

Rostock’s largest church, home of many works of art, most known for its astronomical clock from 1473

For opening hours, entrance fees and contact information please go to the dedicated
Website of St. Mary’s Church>

Find it on Google Maps>

Petrikirche / St. Peter’s Church

Located on the place where the city was founded, it is most known for its tall spire and the viewing platform on it

Opening hours:

May to October:
Mon-Sat 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Sun 12.30 p.m. (after service) until 6 p.m.

November to April:
Mon-Sat 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sun 10 a.m. until 4  p.m.

Admission to the church is free

Ticket for the Elevator to the
Viewing Platform: EUR 4,-

Accessible for wheelchairs.
Restrooms available (with fee)

Tel. 0381-21101

Website with images and more (in German):


Find it on Google Maps>

Nikolaikirche / St. Nicholas Church

After war damage redesigned as a multifunctional church building

Opening hours:
No regular opening hours – church may be visited if there is no ongoing event or its preparation

Accessible for wheelchairs

Website (in German):>

Find it on Google Maps>

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